Monday, May 31, 2010

Weekend Update

We can't believe a week ago today Sara was just coming out of surgery! What a week it's been . . .

First, Sara's doing great. She started out with a lot of pain but was able to quickly stop taking the pain medication. By Wednesday she was taking nothing but an antibiotic. We spent the rest of the week and the weekend just laying low. Sara was actually able to sleep despite having to be propped up on 3 or 4 big pillows. (She hated me for waking her up every six hours to take her medication, but that's what the bottle says and I like to follow the rules!). She was even able to go for a few short walks outside to breathe in the fresh air.

On Friday we were on pins and needles all day waiting for the pathology results to come back. We expected a call before 9 a.m. but it didn't come until 4 :30. The news was pretty good -- a few more lymph nodes contained cancerous cells than we had hoped, but it certainly could have been worse. Overall, the treatment plan will probably be the same as the doctors previously thought.

Tomorrow is a big day as we are going back to the hospital for several follow up appointments -- the surgeon, plastic surgeon, maternal-fetal medicine, and the oncologist. We anticipate that tomorrow will be the day the doctors come up with a final plan for the chemotherapy and the anticipated delivery date of Margo's brother or sister.

Margo had a good week despite everything that's going on. She knows that mama has a "boo boo" and seems satisfied with that explanation. We made sure to keep her busy with lots of help from our incredible support network of family and friends.

Again, we want to thank you all for the flowers, food, cards, gifts, texts and emails that flooded in this week. We appreciate all your love.

We hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. We'll update again soon.



  1. That is wonderful, incredible news. THanks so much for the updates! Keep staying strong and am just so happy you all are doing so well
    LOL, Julie xxx

  2. Really appreciate your keeping us up to date. Good luck today with the plan. You have it all so organized, and I am sure Sara will beat this. Best wishs, Barbara

  3. Drains be gone - yay! Enjoy a great night of sleep.

  4. Thanks for all of the updates!! Hoping that the meeting of the minds on Monday helped put a plan in place and you can continue to move forward. We are thinking of you and love you all dearly.
    xoxo, Susie and group

  5. So glad you are better. Hated those drains. Each day you will get stronger and stronger.

    This weekend I have a team of 14 women called Patrick's Platoon walking 39.3 miles in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. We are walking for you and all women who have breast cancer while pregnant. I'll be thinking about you a lot during the walk and telling your story.

