everyone. It's been a while since I've updated "Supporting Sara" and now just seems like a good time to do so. After a few rough weeks with Sara's chemo, we got some (much needed) good news yesterday when Sara's blood counts normalized. Not to brag or anything, but after getting shots three days in a row my wife's white blood cell counts might be better than all of ours combined! (I did marry her for her neutrophils, ya know). She needed the shots because her white count dropped extremely low. In fact, the oncologist sent Sara to the emergency room last Monday night after she spiked a fever. We spent (a lovely) 5 hours at the hospital while Sara got an IV antibiotic infusion. Thank god Nana and Aunt Kitty were at home with the girls so we could strictly focus on Sara.
Speaking of our support network, we cannot thank everyone enough for all you are doing. For fear of inadvertently leaving anyone out, I won't single you out. Please just know that Sara and I know how fortunate we are to have such incredible family and friends who watch out for us and take care of us.
So the plan now is for Sara to resume her weekly chemo sessions. She's got seven left and hopefully she won't have to take any more breaks. After that, she'll have her reconstruction surgery (swap out the tissue expanders for real implants). Radiation will follow. It seems like a lot -- because it is -- but Sara has come so far. We're closer to the end of treatment than the beginning, so we try to focus on that.
Liza and Margo are doing great! Margo loves being a big sister and wants to help with Liza all the time. Liza is starting to sleep a little bit more (as of one week ago), but she still gets up every three or four hours. Caffeine is certainly our best friend these days! (On a recent trip to the grocery store I actually bought 6 bags of coffee and nothing else. I got some strange looks, for sure).
Ok, that's it for now. I'll try to update again in a few weeks as we get even closer to the end of treatment . . . and the big celebration that will follow.
Hang in there Sarah, I know how hard it must be for you right now and I can't even imagine having to care for an infant at the same time but once this is all over you'll be surprised how quickly you start to feel better. I'll be praying for you and wishing you and your family the happiest of holidays!
Your children are just beautiful!!
Kristen Sanders
Chicago 3 day walker and recent cancer survivor